NOCTURNE Behind-The-Scenes
This and other screen-grabs from the upcoming behind-the-scenes video of Nocturne give you a sense of what the light was like at our location. Here we’re about to make a run on the GripTrix for the loading dock scene. Although the 5D Mark II can barely make us out, I ultimately wound up darkening the ID Mark IV’s shots for the final grade.
Read more on Vincent’s blog, and watch for his post with the behind the scenes video.
I will post something soon about our post workflow.
Reader Comments (18)
OK.. no professional lighting whatsoever on a dark street... and you DARKENED it to look right.... ha....that is pretty amazing.
Still wondering about video-out from 1Dmk4. You mention using marshal monitor in the credits, were you able to tell if the HDMI output is full HD during recording?
laforet has confirmed on his blog that the HD is like that on the 7D: better than the 5D, but still not full HD, and still not uncompressed
That will be excellent.
Darkening it (!)
Stu, you guys did a fantastic job on that film. It looks awesome. Almost unbelievable it's only available light. I love the grade too. I watched it in full screen and it looks incredible.
It looks really sharp too.
There seems to be some concerns arising lately concerning the 7D sharpness. People are starting to say the 5D looks sharper and that the 7D looks mushy. You having both models, do you agree with that?
There's a discussion going on right now at Cinema 5D about it:
Also Barry Green at DVXuser posted some resolution chart shots and said the 7D is barely resolving 720p, let alone 1080p. Do you share the same feelings?
Well, lately I also heard the 7D really wasn't as good as the 5D for image quality, starting with conclusions drawn by Philip Bloom, who's had quite a bit of time to spend with both cameras, he clearly said the 5DmkII had better image quality, so I don't know why I'm still hearing some people say the 7D is better. Maybe it has more to do with the 7D's 24p (which will soon be matched by the 5DmkII) or maybe it's something else about the 7D that just makes it easier to shoot with, but as far as the final image the 5DmkII should still look better. And so far I'd guess the 1DmkIV would be equal and possibly better than the 5DmkII.
Where did you see these conclusion by Philip Bloom?
Recalling from memory, he had posted on his site and/or on DVXuser not too long after the 7D was released and essentially stated that the 5DmkII produced a better image, but that he still liked the 7D for a variety of other reasons.
Okay, I G'd it up: " ...What do I prefer you ask?...Easy. I prefer the image from the 5d, I prefer the stills from the 5d, I prefer the full frame of the 5d but I prefer the frame rates, 24, 25p and the “slow motion” of 50p and 60p. I also prefer the marginal less noise of the 5d." -Philip Bloom
He later updated his post to really emphasize his disdain for the 5DMkiII's 30p compared to 7D's 29.97, but still emphatically concluded that the 5DmkII's image was tops.
interested a bit in Vinces 'stabilized rig' you had Steadicam in addition i think but the stabilized rig was something else?
That is awesome that you had to darken it. Wow.
What ISO did you use and what was your aperture when you took the shot above? Curious on side by side sensativiy between the 5DMKII and 1DMKIV at same settings. Thanks Stu!
Great grading Stu , what WB was this shot at ? I have a million Qs any chance of a tute on how you did this look lol? I will buy you a beer!
WB was set to 2500K.
Thanks Brohan the beer is in the mail :P
Why did you choose to set the WB at 2500?
By the way, any input about the 7D vs 5D and image quality question? Thanks again Stu.
On Vincent's blog, he mentioned that you guys shot some 720p (I guess to get slo mo) and uprezed it to 1080 so it would fit together. Isn't that a big no no in the Guide? I didn't notice any quality issues in Nocturne, so I guess it worked out.
Great job, btw.
Can you post something about the colorgrading please?
In film industry there is so hard work is doing on to soot the picture that is on the car and on vehicle.In that there are so many risc is involved of lost of life due to accident.