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    by Stu Maschwitz

Comment your way to 24p UPDATED

OK, I’ve asked you to call, I’ve encouraged you to write. May I ask you for one last favor regarding the Canon 5D Mark II? Please head over to the blog of Vincent Laforet, creator of Reverie, and post a comment telling Canon how much you want 24p and manual shutter control.

Vincent writes: 

As far as 24p - I know they’re listening (Canon that is) - but they NEED TO KNOW just how important this is to everyone - including me..

So this may be a little silly - but let’s get AS MANY COMMENTS on this blog - possible… let’s break 300 or 400 comments - asking simply: WE NEED 24P etc etc… keep it simple - the idea is for them to see how overwhelming the need for this feature is - it is in my opinion the single most important feature request…

So go ahead… request it… one comment at a time (only one comment per person please :)


24p and 1/48th is key… keep going… they will understand that it’s a MUST do firmware update…
I understand that it’s a silly tactic - but it works a LOT better than a carefully crafted e-mail or letter… trust me. If we hit 500+ comments asking for 24p - they can’t ignore it.

This is great that Vincent realizes the importance of a 24p mode, and of full manual control for movie capture. Support him, post a comment, and help Canon help themselves right into the forefront of the revolution.

UPDATE: It might be working guys. From 

From Laforet’s blog


“One of the visitors of Photokina 2008 Trade Show in Cologne reported in a well known German Canon forum today (, that Canon is now actually discussing a firmware upgrade to enable 25 fps mode. Furthermore, the Canon technician, who revealed this information, confirmed, that the 25 fps can be achieved by firmware change only, no hardware modifications are required.”

I’d direct link but I couldn’t actually find that on Laforet’s blog—must be buried in the hundreds of comments?

Reader Comments (17)


Comment and 24p request posted as per your suggestion.

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterESTEBE

I've followed your recommendation and posted a comment.

Thanks Stu !

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterYenaphe

Stu there might be a backup too - someone's been messing with the 40d firmware and found a way to enable video recording - - since the capability is already there in the 5dII it might be an easier mod to do?

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered


September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTate Dominguez

I did both (finally) - sent an e-mail and posted to Vincent's blog.

There's already been lots said on the subject here on Stu's blog, but I'll repeat my blog comment here because my I haven't yet seen my particular consumer-enthusiast's point of view expressed yet:


Re 24p:

Canon, the need for 24p on this camera is absolute.

24p is not just an aesthetic desire for that "film" look for those of your 5DII users who are also film/video buffs or professionals. Although, frankly, that should be sufficient - 24p is a mandatory requirement for some categories of video projects.

For me, although tempting, the 5DII is simply of no use to me for my video projects. The reason is that all of my video projects are 24p. The reason for that is that YOU - Canon - introduced, indeed pioneered, the ability for me to do 24p HD projects with the consumer-level HV20 (and now HV30).

You've sucked me into 24p, and now are preventing me from adding, augmenting and integrating the otherwise amazing video capabilities of the 5DII with my established use of the HV20.

With the HV20/30, Canon has afforded the amazing opportunity to do high-quality HD video at my framerate of choice - 24p. Now with the 5DII, you are affording me the even more exiting and amazing opportunity to fully and affordably use the capabilities of my existing collection of 35mm Canon lenses with video.

But you are PREVENTING me from using and integrating those two capabilities together in one project. If the 5DII had 24p, I could integrate video shot with the HV20 with the unique capabilities of the 5DII. But without 24p, you're leaving me hanging. I can't use the two together, and so one of them is simply going to go unused.

As it stands, I may or may not buy the 5DII. I'm perfectly happy with my existing 5D. While some features of the 5DII are interesting, there's no one of them that is immediately compelling me to upgrade. But if the 5DII added 24p as a video option, I would be running, breaking speed limits, kicking canes from under old people to get my hands on one.

A lot of the smart/enthusiastic consumers (me), semi-professionals and even many professionals that clamoured around the HV20/30 for its amazing video quality and the ability to do 24p at that price level are the SAME people who appreciate the benefits of your unique and excellent 5D. You should be REWARDING this class of user rather than frustrating them by your choice not to include 24p.

If you can fix this via firmware, it is imperative that you do so, preferably before or very shortly after the 5DII hits the shelves. If you can't, unfortunately I think you'll simply have made a mistake. You appear to have a professional-level 3 year cycle on the 5D series, and that's an eternity to wait. Better options will come before that.

Thanks for reading,

Ian Hay.

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIan Hay

I hope you get your 24P, I really do. But I hate 24P. I will never shoot in 24P. I have hated 24 FPS since I was a kid in the 50s, though I didn't know it was the low frame rate that was causing the crappy-looking picture on any pan above a crawl.

I respect your right as an artist to have whatever aesthetic sensibility you care to. But I intend to shoot and exhibit in the highest resolution/frame rate I can afford at the time because that's my aesthetic sensibility.



September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob:-]

Rob, as long as Canon EOS 5D MKII (or any other video-capable equipment) can have 24 fps, 30 fps, 25 fps then life is good for all of us. The more choices, the better.

I hope in about 10 years there will be consumer gear capable of shooting at anything from 0 to N fps.

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCatalin Braescu

It doesn't make sense why there wouldn't be 24p. The images this camera will shoot will be very film like so it has to be there!

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereditblog

I already "voted" but here some information:
I was at photokina today and went over to the Canon 5D Mark II booth. I asked the canon guy about shutter and he said they have a 5 day old beta version and there are not sure about the shutter yet. Several things could change. I asked about 24p and referred to various people on the net who would highly consider this as an investment reason. I asked if it was in general possible to get a feature like this as a firmware update he said that this may be technical possible but there are certain reasons why there is only a 30p mode and one of them could be marketing. I asked what is the best way to give feedback to this matter and he said that next to the customer support/feedback the workers at the exhibitions also give feedback so my concerns would be forwarded.
That's the most I could achieve there.
Oh he also said that you can easily convert 30p footage to 24p but I said this is unfortunately not what I and the other people want

September 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBlazej

You'll notice a commonality among those who claim that it's easy to convert 30p to 24p—they have never actually tried it.

September 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStu

Camera company reps at trade shows have the power to say some very damaging things. I was a longtime Nikon user looking to upgrade my D70s. I went to Macworld and spoke to a Nikon rep who said that Nikon would absolutely never release a full-frame DSLR. A few month later I bought a 5D, and a few months after that Nikon announced the D3 and D700. But it was too late—I'm a Canon guy now.

Or at least I am until someone else gets DSLR video right first!

September 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStu

I was also at Photokina and experienced similar like Blazej.
The Canon guy i talked to wasn´t really convinced of 24p.

A friend of mine talked to a different canon guy and he gave him hope of firmware update with 24p.

In conclusion - nothing but speculation from photokina.

Keep on telling them what you need - if we are loud enough somebody will recognize!

By the way, it was very cool, to watch the Reverie video on a big HD display at canon booth!

September 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMartin Kulig

Hey all,
Unbelievable what is happening. Almost like the beginnings of a riot. I think maybe you might have had something to do with the amount of posts over at the Reverie site, Stu. Lots of specific requests about 24p :)
It would be a massive act of stupidity for Canon to ignore what people are asking for. Just think, if even half the people posting go out and buy the camera (after requested changes, of course) Canon are well on their way to a million dollars in sales. How can they ignore that?
We'll see.

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGorillaguy

commented and requested 24p on vincents site. its amazing to see the community respond so forcefully and so aligned.

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjdiamond

24p would be more than useful, definitely.

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterarminb


September 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterstephen v2

24p and 1/48th is key… keep going… they will understand that it’s a MUST do firmware update…
I aggree. We need, want and deserve this 24p 1/48th update.

June 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGiorgio Constantine
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