Canon Cinema EOS 1D C

With an 18.1-megapixel full-frame 24mm x 36mm Canon CMOS sensor, the camera records 8-bit 4:2:2 Motion JPEG 4K video to the camera’s CF memory card at 24 frames-per-second.
Well that’s one way to create a sharp 1080p image.
Note this bit:
4K video is captured by an approximately APS-H-sized portion of the full image sensor, while [1080p] video can be captured in the user’s choice of two different imaging formats… …the full 36mm width of the CMOS sensor… [or] An optional Super 35 crop.
More confusing, imperfect, and expensive options for making beautiful images. With the odd trade-offs in functionality between cinema offerings from two different internal divisions, Canon is starting to remind me of that scene in Bridesmaides where Kristen Wiig and Rose Byrne keep grabbing the microphone from each other.