Who took who where Frank?
If you are very very lucky, you might someday get to work alongside one of your heroes.
If you are truly blessed that hero might become a mentor.
I have no idea what comes after that, but it might be something like this:
Stu Maschwitz Takes Me to School
Frank Miller has been teaching me about filmmaking with his images since before I bought my first set of Rapidographs. I am humbled by his words. Thank you buddy.
Reader Comments (12)
Doing your part to combat the "bendies"! You are the man Stu.
I would fall into pieces if this frank would say that about me. You should be smiling from ear to ear :-)
But he's right, you told a lot of filmmakers so much. You appreciate it.
I learned something just now from the mutual respect of both artists. I'm inspired to buy a box of straws, cut them up and make joints from the bendies for a paper robot army. you know, just because.
Right on! What an honor!
Stu, that's just friggin' awesome man.
Great Read. Less is more. Real is Real.
great accolades, but he's wrong about it taking real humans to tell a story. it won't be long before we're able to make completely digital humans that fool us. we're not that smart. heck, we can't even http://viscog.beckman.uiuc.edu/grafs/demos/10.html" REL="nofollow">keep track of real humans.
Hey Stu, nice one :) To sad ILM lacks a guy like you (or you) now, because i saw the fourth Indiana Jones movie last week and, well, you should have told Lucas and Spielberg the same thing :) Being myself very tech-geeky it´s nice to see that you can still keep a sense for "the real thing". Thanks
Congrats man!
his words are truer then tru. about you and the industry.
i think its phenomenal that you understand how to use the tools not rely on them. tell the story and do what is necessary to sell it practical mini or cgi.
good on ya...
you rock.
Stu, that is GREAT!
'he balked, saying it would “look digital”' - well said and it's great it was taken on board!