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Red Giant Color Suite, with Magic Bullet Looks 2.5 and Colorista II

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    by Stu Maschwitz

Getting Started with Colorista II

Getting Started with Magic Bullet Colorista II from Red Giant Software.

Colorista II is available now from Red Giant Software for Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro (see update below), and Adobe After Effects. It’s what I used to grade these before and after examples. It’s my new favorite thing, and i really hope you enjoy it.

Reader Comments (125)


July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRicardo

when will ya have something for Avid Mr.Stu

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJakob Southside

Love that simple way to lift the skin tones!

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Levins

Jakob, As soon as their AVX plug-in architecture allows custom UIs like the 3-way and HSL controls. We'd love to support Avid but their plug-in SDK just doesn't support this kind of interface.

This really bums me out, as I love what Avid's been up to lately.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

I was hoping for bezier masks for the Power Windows, even if that meant I had to render. This will be a great product as is, but it is no replacement for Color or DaVinci. But is also is no where near the price.

I will be upgrading my Colorista 1. Great Job guys!

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRay

Looks great. The tutorial really helps. Thanks, Stu.

Just clarifying: So the basic workflow remains the same, right?
Primary: balance out the entire image
Secondary: adjust specific areas of the image using masks, etc
Master: Apply a "look"

In the Rebel's guide, you suggest doing your secondaries before the primary.

Does all this still hold true?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Stu, looks great and love the overview video.

Can you give us a brief rundown on why Colorista II should be your choice over other tools like Apple Color? I'll get the ball rolling and say one idea I love is the ability to use the same color correction tool in all my various programs, FCP, AE, Fusion (via AE plugin. Hope that works!) etc.

But as far as toolset goes does it offer somethings that others do not? Or are we looking at an affordable solution for people that might not have FCP Studio etc.


July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy Hunt

thanks anyways brother, sad to hear its on avid side but whats new eheh

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJakob Southside

stu one thing i forgot to ask what kind of updates done to Magic Bullet Colorista 1.2 for avid ?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJakob Southside

Jakob, It's just a compatibility upgrade. We include it with Colorista II for your older projects and for Avid folks.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Jeremy, my feeling is that as great as Color is, very few people use it. It's hard to learn, not very Apple-like, and requires you to break up your workflow. I wanted to provide all the power of Color or a DaVinci right in your editing timeline. You can use it a little or a lot, on one shot or on every shot, and you can do it while you're cutting, not after you're "done." Because are you really ever done editing?

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Thanks Stu that was great. Please do more of these!

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave Dugdale

Great! Is Colorista II compatible for Adobe CS5/64bit ?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

This looks like a phenomenal upgrade for version 2. Great work Stu.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Taylor

Paul: Yes!

Dave: Many more of these tutorial videos are on their way!

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Great work, Stu. Just was wondering from a technical standpoint: is pop actually a sharpener? Because in the video it looked like the edges started producing halos when you were cranking up the slider a little bit.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrudi

Jason: Everything you said is correct. And as long as you follow that workflow, you're still in line with what I stated in The Guide, even if we've changed terminology a bit.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Stu, I think you might have just sold me a copy of Colorista II. You totally nailed my exact frustrations with Color.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy Hunt

Rudi, Pop is a local contrast tool, which is kinda like a sharpening tool but it works over a bigger area. Like the Clarity tools in Lightroom and Aperture, if you turn it up too high, you can get that nasty HDR-tone-mapping halo effect. Use with discretion!

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Does this version still require specific graphics cards to run? If it does, can you recommend anything that will run with an older card like the ATI Radeon 9200?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEl Director

El, there's a CPU mode that anyone can use. Switch over if your GPU can't keep up.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

This looks incredible. Well done. I can't wait to start using it.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBaxBaxBax

Just did the tutorial for Colorista 2. Nice work. One question. When I activate the power window on the secondary the yellow outline for the mask is not visible . I can see its effect on the picture, but no yellow box or circle to help me size it. This os on FCP Studio 3 Mac.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTom Daigon

Hi Tom, sadly, FCP does not allow us to draw those handy non-rendering overlays. This drives me crazy and we're always thinking about better ways to place Power Masks in FCP.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

I see.Thats easy to work around. Thanks for the prompt response!

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTom Daigon

Looks great. i'm in the middle of CCing 4 projects in Color, so i definitely feel the "breakup of workflow" issue. my editors like to color correct in their edits, which can't be used in Color. i would CC in Final Cut on these particular edits if FCP's CC tools weren't so limited. so Colorista II looks appealing to me. one question, will Colorista II work with a panel like the Tangent Wave or Euphonix MC Color?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEric Hansen

Lift, gamma and gain are gone?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterManuel López

When using the Primary HSL color dots on some test footage I noticed a bunch of sparlking/spotting on a bald person's head after I tweaked the orange to a slightly brighter color. You couldn't notice it in a still, but as he moved parts of his head would get more into the orange range and pick up the color correction(he had very light wisps of hair on his head that were changing the color as he walked/head moved ever so slightly). Is there anyway to control what color is considered orange (or any of the colors in the HSL section)? Or maybe someway to feather that color selection or control it's width? Or am I just missing something obvious?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Sorrels

Manuel: Yes, although the new 3-Way works very much like the old, we've changed some of the underlying code to produce more pleasing results.

Matthew: I'd love to see what you're experiencing so I could help you troubleshoot, but it is going to be possible to create noise using extreme HSL adjustments, given how noisy and compressed a lot of our footage is these days. The Keyer is there for you when you want to fine-tune and feather a secondary correction.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

The noise is definitely there to start with, the footage is not very good (old SD res stock footage). The problem is more the HSL adjustment feature seems a bit narrow and skips pixels (due to noise in the footage maybe) which because of the boosting makes the noise more noticeable. It's there even without Colorista, but the correcting just makes it worse. I'm not sure it's a reasonable test but it did kind of surprise me when it looked great until I hit play.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Sorrels

WOW! That was phenomenal. I've only been using the semi-free DV Rebel scripts that came with the guide, and your tutorial just now definitely makes a pretty convincing case for upgrading.

My only question now is, if I'm still on CS4, am I missing out on some functionality here outside of the faster preview/render times in CS5?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterart chong

Ok, this is a bit disappointing (I am a old school man), but if Colorista I is included, then I can to do a overall correction with him, and to use Colorista II for parcial corrections, if I don't get to used the new approach. Thanks Stu.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterManuel López

I don't know if i'm missing something or it's just my system - but the mouse does not slide on the controls at all - but since I'm the only one reporting this...i'm thinking it's my system...

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJer

Manuel, I don't think you're going to notice a huge difference. You should just be able to push midtones farther without getting crunchiness.

Art: Colorista II is fully supported on CS4.

Matthew: Like I say, I'd love to take a look at the footage. Put it somewhere online and use the contact form to tell me where I can download it.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Quick question. Where does MB Looks stands now. I mostly use Looks now, with Colorista II out out, I would not be surprised if Looks 2 came out. Besides the HSL sliders, why would you use Colorista II over Looks?

Thanks - JJ

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJJBriquet

I had to delete files in:
user->appdata --roaming - adobe - after effects - 10.0
And also the directory

Restarted and now the sliders are sliding :)

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJer

JJ, the workflow I like is to use Colorista for shot-to-shot corrections and Looks over top of all my shots for a consistent look. But I know some folks stick entirely to one or the other. It comes down to individual choice.

Colorista II has a lot of power that Looks does not, for now! Looks has the advantage of a gorgeous UI that's fun and easy to use, but Colorista has the advantage of working in-context without taking over your screen.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Kind of Fixed:

Just figuered out the bug at least on my system - if you undock the effects windows - that's what breaks the sliders on the color wheels - Just fyi.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJer

Thanks Jer, I'm not able to repro that on my Mac, but I'll have RGS test on WIndows.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Been playing with the demo for an hour, it's great fun to use, and feels like a more 'serious' colour too than Looks - the UI is ingenious.

By the way, one other difference between this and Looks is that you can keyframe Colorista. Whether you'd want to is another matter...

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChrisC

Good point ChrisC. You'll probably find yourself keyframing the heck out of those Power Masks.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Matthew, thanks for sending your footage. You have a classic case of a guy in your shot whose face is so pink that he's outside the range of orange. If you boost Red Lightness along with Orange Lightness you get a much cleaner shot, but I'd probably reach for the Keyer in this case.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Thanks for the swift reply =) I'm actually still using your Rebel DV Script that came free with the guide(do I need to say that it's a must read for everyone even thinking about making movies nowadays?). Do you guys have a student rebate? I'm really tempted, but I think paying my rent this month would be the wiser choice.
By the way without your guide I think I wouldn't have even made it to film class.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrudi

Thanks Stu. Now let's get the control surfaces going.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJJBriquet

Yes I gave up on the HSL feature to give the faces a boost and did setup the Keyer for that job. I was pretty happy with what I ended up with. Though I'll admit now I'm worried every video on YouTube/Vimeo is going to have super-enhanced face lighting thanks to easy keying. Kind of like how for a while everything looked like a Magic Bullet Looks preset. Sometimes if you make a monster, it will eat you.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Sorrels

Rudi, Red Giant has an educational pricing program:

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu

Hey thanks! I found the option to switch to CPU mode, but I'm still getting a black preview window. Any ideas?

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEl Director

"...I like is to use Colorista for shot-to-shot corrections and Looks over top of all my shots for a consistent look."

This sounds like a great combination. Is there any degradation or corruption of color values created by using Colorista 2 for the basics and Looks for the "Looks"
It seems in this work flow you are able to get a "Color FX" room kind of power that
Color has and Colorista does not.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTom Daigon

My question above really asks if it is OK to stack Looks on top of Colorista, just in case I was not clear about that.

July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTom Daigon

Not only is it OK, it's Super Awesome.

July 22, 2010 | Registered CommenterStu
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