Redrock Gets It

(Click for a larger image. Sit down first though.)
Redrock Micro, maker of the popular M2 35mm lens adapter, is showing a new compact handheld rig at Cinegear Expo in LA today and tomorrow. Unless you snapped a photo of it at the show and put it on your blog today, the above is the first publicly shown image of the thing.
Sorry it's got my drool all over it.
Of note: That's the Canon HV20 in there, mounted upside-down. Before you hurt yourself pondering it (like I did), that does not provide a right-side-up image on the camera's inverted viewfinder—hence the external jobby. At Redrock there are fans of external LCD displays and fans of viewfinders, and this rig is designed to support either.
We've seen some Frankenhoopty-lookin' HV20 rigs here on ProLost. It's wicked smart of Redrock to create a compact, DV Rebel-friendly system around the HV20. As my friends on TWiM pointed out in episode 59, the mini Canon has serious limitations, mostly in the area of manual control. But with a setup like this you're divesting it of much of that responsibility, basically just using it for its awesome little sensor.
If you're at Cinegear, check out Redrock at booth 30. Tell them Stu sent you. Then say, "Look, a blimp" and see what you can grab. I mean how much could that whole rig weigh?
I intend to find out.
Reader Comments (22)
pardon my ignorance, but if the camera is upside-down, does that mean you have to flip all your footage in post?
Nope, it means you don't! The adapter makes an upside-down image.
Hi Stu
Reading your book with great joy. Excellent work.
And that is some killer rig that wins all the battle of adapters, at least as of now. Am I glad that I bought this camera! :-)
Now all it needs is a smaller battery operated HMDI recorder capturing to 2.5" drive or flash. Lightly compressed full raster 4:2:2 storage is needed to make this solution very compelling. Sadly we can't offer one of those yet, still looking for partner(s) on that project (Stu, any suggestions?) Related: Listen to TWIM 59 regarding the quality difference off HMDI vs the HDV Tape on the HV20 (
David Newman
CTO, CineForm
Just went to CineGear yesterday just to check it out, it definitely rocks. I talked to the guys at the booth and mentioned seeing the picture on your blog which drove me to come down. The guys were very nice and stocked that you had it up here, it looks like they will send a rig your way so you could check it out.
I really like the upside down factor, no need to flip it in post.
Also there was the Ikan booth right nex to Red Rock shocasing their V8000HD. Looks like a promising unit but I am a bit perplexed by it;s native resolution: 800x480
So it is a little bit bigger then NTSC SD (by 80 pix) yet it is supposed to be an HD monitor good enough to be able to focus right???
Anyway the guys at the booth said that their upscaling algorythm had rave review among users.
Any thoughts on this Stu? Would you recomend another lcd monitor for the field?
all i have to say is....
all i can say is ...
Any idea how much this sucker costs?
I assume there's a mattebox that goes with it?
Is the canon viewfinder pictured with the red rock rig capable of achieving the critical focus needed for HD?
The image from redrock is flipflop. So jus inverting the the camera won't help? I guess?
Here's what inverting the camera gets you:
* A right-side-up image on tape
* A right-side-up image on an external LCD or viewfinder
* The ability to mount your external LCD or viewfinder right-side-up, meaning that camera menus are right-side-up!
What it does not do for you is create a right-side-up image on the flip-out. Or rather it does, but the lip-out itself is upside-down, so the two cancel each other out.
So the upside-down camera trick is awesome but does not eliminate the need for external viewing technology.
Hope that helps.
JJ, the Ikan is awesome and it's what I intend to use with my Redrock rig.
I played with the rig at CineGear. It was a great prototype - really cool - hope they make it!
Also exciting is the improved mattebox prototype they showed. Swing-away, better filter size options, more metal used in construction... and only $500? Awesome!
RE: critical focusing - yes I agree, SD is not enough. Hence the sub-$1000 10" 720p LCD monitor I'm making ;) I have a rig similar to the above one, just with my monitor and a mattebox. Good for handheld and tripod. But it was made using Zacuto stuff so kinda expensive (even when bought at the 25% CineGear discount). Beautiful, though! Now if only my 35mm adapter would arrive to complete the setup...
Bruce Allen
David or Stu, where (in time) in the TWIM59 is the segment you guys are referring to? It's almost 75 minutes long and I really care most about the HV20 stuff.
Its definitely not HV20! ;)
The HV20 part of TWIM59 starts around 40 mins. in.
Hey Stu, enjoying your book, and just found your blog!
What are the advantages of a 35mm adapter besides the DOF? Does the image look better overall even when you're not playing with the focus?
Apart from the DOF, it adds grain & softness to the image. Now, not all consider this as an advantage.
P.S. I have RR adapter.
Now Im new to the world of HDV and these lovely adapters and rigs...but with this rig, will I be able to focus the image via the 35mm lense, and not have to use the little dial thing on the HV20? Honestly it's a pain in the ass to use.
redrock gets it?
As a rpleacement of the Iconix
Redrock 'gets it', but will it work with my iPhone?
very interesting setup
is it available or is it just a prototype that will never see the day ? If I buy a m2 adapter will it be possible to build a similar setup with exisiting stuff (35mm rod, shoulder and handgrips) ? Any idea where to buy similar stuff ? Do I have to modify the adapter to be able to put 15mm rod on both side ?
As we can see the camera is up side down, does it solve the image rotation problem or does the m2 mirror the image ?
I receive my HV20 camera today and I'm impatient to buy this rig as soon as possible. Any idea about the price ?